Durable Leg 擎天之柱
You can't let Anton leave alive,
but each of his steps takes him miles closer to the interdimensional rift
where the Castle of the Dead stands.
Destroy Anton's leg and stop him from reaching his destination!
安徒恩似乎打算退回魔界, 决不能让他这么轻易地回去! 这么多的杀戮这么多的罪孽, 只有死亡才能赎清他的罪恶。 一定要阻止他返回魔界! 向他的腿部发起进攻, 阻止他前进!
Cutting Off the Energy 能量阻截战
Anton's energy is heading to the Black Volcano,
his most powerful weapon that is also his most vulnerable spot.
To defeat Anton, enter the Black Volcano and cut off the energy that is being sent there.
安徒恩吸取的能量最终全部流向了黑色火山——他的核心攻击手段, 同时也是他的致命弱点。 因此想要打败安徒恩, 必须要想办法切断流向黑色火山的能量。