Dungeon Introduction 地下城介绍:
Source of the Black Smoke 黑雾之源
You were about to launch an attack at Anton when a dark smoke rolled in, enveloping you like a thick blanket.
One by one, the soldiers fell, helpless in the pitch-black darkness.
The unnatural smoke remains around Anton's body, even in the wind.
You must find and eliminate the source of the smoke to get rid of Anton.
向安徒恩发起进攻的瞬间, 浓浓的黑雾如帷帐般笼罩着安徒恩巨大的身体, 士兵们一个个倒在伸手不见五指的黑暗之中……必须要解决这可怕的黑雾, 不能让我们的士兵白白牺牲!
Shaking Battleground 震颤的大地
Anton lifts his legs and shakes off soldiers from his body.
He's moving his heavy body freely, having absorbed enough power from the Power Station.
If you can't retrieve the energy from him,
then you should eliminate the enemies blocking your way in the shaking battleground and destroy Anton's joints to get the upper hand.
安徒恩轻轻地抬起腿, 整个大地和海洋都在震颤, 士兵们即使爬上了安徒恩的身体, 也都被轻易地震开了。 身躯如此巨大, 行动却是如此敏捷, 这一切的都是因为他在能源中心吸收了充足的能量。 既然无法回收安徒恩的能量, 那就只能先破坏安徒恩的关节部位, 才能确保大部队的总攻。