New Avatar Released -Thief 暗夜使者装扮更新
The light that shines through darkness, the Master of lost souls, the Dancer of the silent flame and the Reaper from the shadow.
The 2nd Awakening for Thief has finally arrived! 暗夜使者装扮已经更新!
Check out these new avatars that will enhance the style and looks of your newly awakened Thief!
Lost Treasure (March 2016) 遗失的珍宝限时加入物品(16-03)
+11 黑铁——钻石装备强化券礼盒:可交易,随机生成成功率为10%-90%的+11装备强化券;出售给NPC:1 500万金币;5月17日18:00统一删除
+12 黑铁——钻石装备强化券礼盒:可交易,随机生成成功率为10%-90%的+12装备强化券;出售给NPC:3 000万金币;5月17日18:00统一删除