Rise, adventurers! 复活不要复活币
For a limited time only, you may resurrect in dungeons for FREE!
No tokens necessary!
To improve the game experience of all adventurers!
Period: Mar 22 ~ Apr 5, 2016 (UTC), until maintenance 时间:3月22日——4月5日
As shown above, an image will be displayed for dungeons where free resurrection is available.
# Free Resurrection Dungeons 免复活币区域
During the event period, tokens can be used for free in the dungeons listed below.
* In dungeons where token use is limited, you may resurrect up to the limit count for free.
Dungeon List 有效地下城
Abnova 亚诺法森林
Meltdown 厄运之城
Castaway 漂流洞穴
Inverted Waterfall 逆流瀑布
Iced Wall of Resignation 绝望冰崖
Antwer Canyon 安特贝鲁峡谷
Oceanic Express 海上列车
Time Gate 时空之门
Interdimensional Rift 异次元裂缝
Ancient Dungeon 远古地下城
Mt. Kulun 月轮山
The Power Station 能源中心