

时间:2016-01-20 12:52 作者:wujiuqier 手机订阅 参与评论(0) 【投稿】
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摘 要

Boss Unique Changes 领主神器变更

It is now easier to purchase Boss Unique items. 可以更容易地制作领主神器。

Chance to acquire Meteor from Meteor Box will be increased. 陨石礼盒中获得陨石的几率提升。

Amount of Meteors required to purchase Boss Uniques will be changed. 领主神器的NPC兑换所需陨石素变更。

A new meteor called ‘Arad Meteor’ will be added to the Arad area. ‘Arad Meteor’ can be obtained in Abnova, Meltdown, Castaway Cave and Inverted Waterfall. It is used to purchase Boss Uniques dropped by Bosses in the Arad area.


Boss Uniques will be added to NPC shop in each region. 每个地区的NPC物品店添加领主神器。

‘Oblivion Meteor Random Box’ will be added to Seria’s Shop. NPC赛丽亚商店添加[随机遗忘陨石礼盒]。

Other Item Changes

You can no longer obtain Ancient Dungeon Entry Ticket from Ancient Ruins area mercenary rewards.


You will be given Time Gate - Requiem Entry Ticket instead. 替换为[时空之门 - 镇魂曲地下城入场券]。

Simona will no longer sell Powerful Magic Energy. NPC希莫纳不再出售[亡者峡谷的气息]。

Golden Invitation Envelope obtainable from Forgotten Land will no longer contain Ancient Dungeon Entry Tickets.


Gabriel no longer sells Unique Equipment. 加百利不再出售神器装备。

Ancient Ruins area reward from the mercenary system will be changed from Lv. 80 Rare, Lv. 80 Unique to Lv. 85 Rare and Lv. 85 Unique.

远古地下城佣兵奖励变更:Lv 80 稀有 Lv 80 神器 Lv 85 稀有 Lv 85 神器

Consumables with cooldown reduction effects will be changed as follows. 减少冷却消耗品变更

Mind Stimulant Potion (30% → 20%) 精神刺激灵药(30% → 20%)

Purified Iced Wall Fragment (20% → 13%) 净化的冰石碎片(20% → 13%)

Behemoth Nostrum (15% → 10%) 天帷之秘药(15% → 10%)

Time Crystal (10% → 7%) 狂野水晶(10% → 7%)

Item Tooltip’s enchant (Reinforcement, Boost, and Refinement) information’s color will be changed as follows. 部分装备描述的属性颜色变更:

Reinforcement: Azure 强化:蓝色

Boost: Purple 增幅:紫色

Refinement: Purple 锻造:紫色

The drop rate of ‘Black Dragon Energy’ from Black Dragon Tournament will be increased. The amount of items required to complete the quest will be reduced.


Liberation Recipe will be changed.


You will acquire ‘Concentrated Soul’ whenever you fail to combine Liberation.


Untradeable Liberation Conversion Scroll will be added.


Liberation Conversion scroll can be purchased for 10x ‘Concentrated Souls’. You have 100% chance to acquire Untradeable Liberation Equipment.


Rare Items will no longer drop as untradeable.


Demon Eye’s rarity will be changed to epic. 宇宙灵魂变更为史诗稀有度。

Adjustments will be made so that some materials will no longer drop. 以下材料不再掉落。

Solid Turtle Shells, Makeup Kit, Kartel Gun Barrel, Gun Cleaning Tools, Kartel Officer Badge 




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