
腾讯游戏执行制作人 - 史蒂夫 葛睿

时间:2010-07-26 作者: 手机订阅 参与评论(0) 【投稿】
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史蒂夫 葛睿

Executive In Charge of Production

    史蒂夫先生,美国人,已经在腾讯工作1.5年,帮助腾讯进行新产品的开发。之前,因其作为执行制作人,开发了著名的《魔戒》系列游戏作品而为世人所知。《魔戒》四部曲由艺电公司(Electronic Arts)发行,迄今已售出1800万套。史蒂夫曾创立自己的游戏开发工作室,名为Heavy Iron Studios,后来出售给了THQ。在此之前,史蒂夫为日本的Square公司效力,参与制作了《最终幻想VII》,并作为制作主任开发了《寄生前夜》。不仅如此,他在视觉效果领域还有10年的工作经历,曾经为诸多获奖影片进行特效处理,比如《真实的谎言》(True Lies),《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire)和《阿波罗13号》(Apollo 13)等。 即使作为数学家和计算机科学家,但在过去的20年里,史蒂夫也是一名活跃的音乐家和音效设计师,他曾为不胜枚举的舞台剧、广播和电视广告制作音乐背景。

Steve Gray

Executive In Charge of Production

    Steve, an American, has been working at Tencent for almost 1.5 years, helping build Tencent's new line of products.  Previously he is best known for his recent work as Executive Producer on The Lord of the Rings video games series.  This set of four games published by Electronic Arts sold over 18 million units.  Prior to this series, Steve founded and later sold to THQ the game development studio currently known as Heavy Iron Studios. Before opening his own studio, Steve work for Square Co. of Japan, contributing to Final Fantasy VII and Directing Parasite Eve.  His background also includes a decade of work in the visual effects business contributing to films such award winning films as True Lies, Interview with the Vampire and Apollo 13.  A mathematician and computer scientist by trade, Steve is also an active musician and sound designer having contributed to numerous stage plays, radio and TV commercials over the last 20 years.



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