Dungeon Difficulty Changes 地下城难度改版
Dungeon Difficulty has been changed and expanded. 地下城难度变更且扩张。
Easy Difficulty has been removed. 删除Easy难度
Medium, Hard, Ultimate will be changed to Normal, Expert and Master. King and Slayer difficulty will be added.
Dungeon Entry Requirement Changes 难度解锁要求变更
Dungeon Entry Condition for each difficulty has been changed.
Expert: Clear Normal mode with A rank 冒险 : 普通难度下以A评分通关
Master: Clear the Expert mode without using Coins, at Rank S, and without being attacked more than 20 times.
勇士 : 冒险难度下不消耗复活币,以S评分且被击数少于20次通关。
King: Clear the Master mode without using Coins, at Rank SSS, and without being attacked more than 10 times.
王者 : 勇士难度下不消耗复活币,以SSS评分且被击数少于10次通关。
King[鄙人:Slayer]: Clear the Slayer[鄙人:King] mode without using Coins, at Rank SSS, and without being attacked more than 5 times.
噩梦 : 王者难度下不消耗复活币,以 SSS评分且被击数少于5次通关。
Recommended Equipment for each Dungeon Difficulty will be displayed.
Otherverse Improvements - New Mode and Changes 新模式添加及变更
Tutorial Mode has been changed. 变更新手教程模式
Old APC has been removed and a new APC has been added.
Screenshot and guiding arrows have been added to the Tutorial.
Single mode has been added. 添加单人模式。
Changes have been made so that you can solo play all other verse difficulties.
APC appears in all difficulties. 所有难度下都会有帮助APC出现。
Otherverse Improvements - Item Drop Rate Changes 变更道具掉率
Item Drop Rate has been changed in accordance with the changes to the Otherverse difficulties.
Solo play: Interdimensional Fragment drop rate has been adjusted to drop at a rate as if you are in a 2 player party.
单人模式 : 异次元碎片按照2人组队基准进行掉落。
Chronicle Equipment that can be acquired from Normal Difficulty monsters have been changed.
Chronicle Equipment that can be acquired from Expert Difficulty monsters remains the smae
Chronicle Equipment that can be acquired from Master Difficulty monsters is the same as Expert Difficulty. However, chance of acquiring Chronicle Set item dropping is higher in the Master Difficulty.
Otherverse Improvements - Re-join System 断线重连系统
If you leave the party due to disconnection or crash, you can rejoin the party by reconnecting to the game.
This only applies to dungeons that are currently in progress. If the party moved to another dungeon while you were disconnected, you will not be able to rejoin.
This is limited to Otherverse dungeons only.
Otherverse Improvements - Other Changes 异界其他变更内容
Recommended Exorcism value has been changed. 进入抗魔值要求变更。
Normal: 10 Exorcism 普通: 基准抗魔值 10
Expert: 80 Exorcism 冒险: 基准抗魔值 80
Master: 95 Exorcism 勇士: 基准抗魔值 95
A quest to acquire Otherverse Novice has been added. 添加可以获得异界初体验的任务。
Otherverse Novice: When you clear Otherverse dungeon in a party while you have this title equipped, party members will receive 1x Interdimensional Fragment.
异界新手称号 : 携带异界初体验称号后,组队通关异界地下城时,每个队员各获得一个异次元碎片。
Title’s effects do not stack. 称号道具效果不能叠加。