
美服4月2日~4月9日FB整理 有奖征集故事

时间:2016-04-13 10:14 作者:wujiuqier 手机订阅 参与评论(0) 【投稿】
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美服4月2日~4月9日FB整理 有奖征集故事


为了让更多人看到并了解内容,官方Facebook说说每周整理一次,集中到一个帖子发布。另外,从本周开始,这边所发美服资讯(不含官网非停机更新公告)将同时向17173投递,欢迎阅读。现在VPN越封越少,保护VPN从我做起;为响应吧规号召,严厉禁止飞机。另外,百度百科的Dungeon Fighter Online词条也欢迎大家去编辑完善,我这边可能这次一写以后就写不了了,字数太多我就弄不成了,通过率不够没有权限,因此希望这个工作交给大家弄了,我先在这里给大家说一声谢谢了。


Hey #DFO adventurers!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!


Playing games gets me very emotional sometimes, whether it’s the plot, or the friends I make along the way, or even the annoying trolls that make me want to lock them away in a dungeon for ten million years.


I have to say, I think the best memory I have with DFO is when I was a super noob (still am noob-ish, NGL) and I was leveling my nen-master so I would run epic quest dungeons with random people and they were all so nice T_T tears of joy. Which I think was kind of different from when I leveled my Chaos on KDnF because, nobody really cares about noobs lololol, those were some lonely leveling days...*sigh*


Anyways, have you ever experienced any special moments while playing DFO? This week's theme is: What was your most heartfelt memory? Did some random mysterious benefactor give you 100,000,000,000 gold for no reason at all? Because that would be nice...from rags to riches, yo.


Let me know in the comments below! If you have any screenshots or images to go along with your post that would be awesome! Please try to be as detailed as possible. We will be choosing the top best 5-10 stories, and winners' stories will also be featured on our next post! Plus, the selected contributors will be given rewards, so leave your IGN and Server!


★Event★ 活动

Write us a comment of your most special, heartfelt moment that happened to you while you were playing DFO! Pictures not required, but appreciated.


★Event Period★ 活动时间

4/4 - 4/9 (KST) 4月4日——4月9日(韩国时间)(?)

★Rewards★ 奖励

Neo Premium Plus (15 Days) 15天高级会员

*Winners will be given their rewards on 4/19 maintenance


4月4日官方Facebook说说。这次官方又来了一个字谜游戏,也是为了玩家等待停机维护时消磨时间的。大家不妨也来做一做,看看能写几个!(怕DNF的英文了解不多的可以去DFO World Wiki(美国DNF百科)补习一下)

Hello #DFO Adventurers! 各位DNF勇士,大家好!

Currently, we are undergoing scheduled maintenance, fixing up a few things and getting ready to provide new contents for you guys


To help pass the time, I am here with a HELL MODE level crossword puzzle! Which I honestly don't think is really toooo difficult, but its the first one of a bunch so I wanted to keep things pretty simple.


Maybe you know about DFO enough to complete it in a few minutes (MJ was pretty quick to get everything right).


Thanks for waiting while we get things up and running and Enjoy!


4月6日官方Facebook。这个是 《美服策划笔记》的第二期,这个是关于史诗装备的策划的看法交流。韩服杂志社刚刚也谈了史诗装备的综合分析,这次来看看美服这边是怎么说的。


This post will be very wordy. Please make sure to have some snacks and drinks along with you before you start to read.


Greetings to all adventurers! It's MJ time again! Nye Heh Heh!


Oops sorry for my weird laugh. It's probably because of left over spaghetti I just had.


Anyways, it's another turn for my Mad Journal. This week, I'm just gonna write what I feel about Hell Modes and Epic items. Those who doesn't like to read stuff, please feel free to hit Backspace key.



※ Epic items?※


Everyone wants Epic items. It is obvious that even a three year old baby knows that Epics are great.(or not ) However, being an owner of Epic items is not just difficult. It literally drags you into the hell!


※ What MJ thinks as an adventurer? ※


Trust me. I've been through the hell. All of my Physical attackers have Cataclysms(aka. Cata) and two of my characters are fully equipped with Epic sets(including accessories). I consider myself as a core gamer, but Epic farming was truly harsh.


Tricky part is this. I could always quit if I ever wanted to. But more I knew about the game, More badly I wanted. You just know Epics are good. Right?


※ What MJ thinks as a designer? ※


Here is a dilemma as a designer. The more people become "core" users like me above, the harder "light" users to get in. Let's put it in easier word. If we update Anton in couple weeks, everyone is going to look for their team mates with "good" gears. What happens to the people who do not have "good" gears? Well, take your wild guess. One of the most concern of mine is this. Epic being as a symbol of some sort of "gap" between hardcore users and who are not.


※ Um...so? ※


It may be sound like an excuse but this is maybe the main reason why we took so long for Anton. I mean, I know many of passionate adventurers are "Anton Ready". But we just wanted to increase the overall Anton playable population. Frankly speaking, this is why we are pouring so many DCs via events. All games are better be played together right?



Ugh... I don't even know what I'm saying. Anyways, Please share your opinion with me about Hell Mode and Epic Items. Make criticisms! Point out bad grammars! Unleash your hatred! Whip me!(what?)


GBL folks.


4月7日官方Facebook说说。那个减肥活动看来还没有结束。19号更新要是减肥目标达到了还要再发放一次奖励:100%HP药,100%MP药,成长胶囊(1%) 各15个。

Hello #DFO fam! 各位DNF勇士,大家好!

I know MANY of you have been very curious of Jerry's progress on his road to weight loss.


But what about MJ? After his hiatus due to being ill, he came back determined to lose weight. Those of you who follow our ExStream will no that he cut back on pizza *gasp* and is no longer VIP to all the pizza places he delivers from *NOOOO!*


BUT good news is he lost around 20 kg (44 pounds for ye americains)! Okay... To be really honest I see him eating cookies LOL but I really have to hand it to him, he looks much healthier!!!


MJ's goal is to be 80 KG (176 pounds)! Well, not really his own personal goal, but it was the doctor's orders!




Jerry is no longer the sole contender, and he and MJ are now on a competition to see who will reach their goal the fastest!


Don't worry! Both MJ and Jerry are losing weight very healthily, without starving!


★Jerry's Current Weightloss★ Jerry目前的减肥情况

Jerry is currently 109 KG! His last weight was 113 KG, so if he loses 1 more KG before April 19th (total of 15 KG), we will be handing out rewards as the second Health Boy Blitz reward!


At 113 KG, Jerry will have lost a total of 15 KG, so we will see if Jerry has reached his goal on April 19th!


If the goal has been reached, Blitz event rewards will be 15 each of the following items:


- Interdimensional Fragment 异次元碎片

- Jerry's Delicious Bread (Recover 100% HP) Jerry的面包(恢复100%HP)

- Jerry's Magical Milk (Recover 100% MP) Jerry的牛奶(恢复100%MP)

- EXP Capsule (1%) 成长胶囊(1%)

Please give both MJ and Jerry words of encouragement!





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