
美服DFO惊现大面积封号 官方Facebook已被屠版

时间:2016-08-19 11:13 作者:wujiuqier 来源:COLG 手机订阅 神评论




  Horace C Weekes III:

  Neople what happened to xigncode? played the game fine all last week. Then since the blitz event update thing I have had issues updating the game. And when I finally do get on today, I am banned for using a third party program? Contacted CS twice even sent in my xigncode log and I still banned and I don't know why. Can I get a clear explanation please?

  Neople,XignCode这次究竟怎么了?上个星期玩的好好的,然后就是这次登录领取奖励的活动开始,我更新客户端的时候 就遇到问题。好今天总算搞好了,结果一上线,就来个使用第三方软件停封?找了两次客服了,把我当时的XignCode的日 志记录发过去了,现在账号还是被封着的。我都不知道这是怎么搞的。拜托你能解释清楚吗?

  Dungeon Fighter Online:Could you please let us know what your IGN is? It'll be helpful for our investigation.


  Horace C Weekes III:IGN:Rheaco


  Rhone Erdrick:

  So my account just got blocked for no reason. Was in the middle of a dungeon, the game disconnected me and now I can't log back in. I've been playing since the Alpha, and I've never used cheats on my account. What's did you guys change to Xigncode?

  那么,我的账号就这样连个原因都没有就被封了。刷图刷到半路突然就六字真言[鄙人:美服的六字真言是:You have been disconnected. Please check your network connection. ],直到现在我都还登不上。我从内测就开始玩,我从来 没有任何作弊。你们到底对XignCode动了什么手脚?

  Horace C Weekes III:Same thing happened to me earlier now I have customer service telling me I used a third party program and I am like ??


  Dungeon Fighter Online:What is your IGN?


  Rhone Erdrick:Cannock1 - Over the past day many other people have been banned the same way. I've seen posts on both reddit, the steam forum, and dfonexus from people who have been banned for no reason. Look at the comments under the EX Stream post, there are people there also saying they were banned for no reason. I can point you to all the posts in those other places if you need it. Please help.

  Cannock1 ——就前几天,已经有很多人都是同一个过程被封号了。我把Reddit论坛,Steam论坛,DFO Nexus论坛都看了 的,都是连个原因都没有就被封了。看看你们那个ExStream说说下面的评论,都有人在说账号没有原因就被封了。要是需 要的话,我可以带你们看看所有其他的帖子、说说反映这个事情的。求助。




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